843 Gilman St. - Berkeley, CA 94710 - 510-558-0765

Starting at $79 a month you can have a piano in your home and start learning.

Who We Are

Bay Area Piano Rentals

Pianos Plus has rented pianos both long and short term across the Bay Area since 1979. When Pianos Plus and R. Kassman Piano merged in 2021 they put together their forces to expand into the area. Starting at $79.00 a month it makes sense. We are able to help families that may not have a budget for a piano get a step closer to their goal. Obviously, a new piano will cost several thousand dollars when you can rent for just a few dollars a month. Now the kids (or yourself) can have a beautiful piano in your living room at a small percentage of a brand new piano.

We have served every possible venue in the Bay Area along with special performances and unusual requests. We can handle practically everything that comes our way. Our trained movers will make it happen.

The Sky Is The Limit

You never know what door you are about to unlock. Instead of starting the journey with a substandard digital piano, many people find it appealing to begin your musical journey with a traditional piano (acoustic) that will get you started and will help you immensely for many years to come.


Get in touch

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Whatever you need, please let us know how we can best serve you.